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.Roxy Girl
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* roxy

* things you don't like

| | || Tuesday, October 28, 2008 || | |

thats right! im having lots and lots of fun!!!!! this thursday, im going to attend a graduation party, stay over 1 night at the chalet! then on saturday, i have a party to attend from 10am to 12 am, then straight after that a movie with my frens!!! im so excited! and at home now im not as bored as b4. my brothers bought a new nintendo wii game: Mario Kart. its a racing game but its so fun and adictive!

roxy signing out at
* 7:15 AM *

| | || Thursday, October 23, 2008 || | |

im so happy that the psle is over! no more studies or stress untill next year!!! ok maybe i will study a bit during the holidays, but for now... Let the FUN begin!!!!! i have to share my fun with jonathan coz he also finished his exams.... i dont like to share... just kidding:) cant wait for the holidays to start... lucky for jonathan he has no more school till next year... unlike me. theres like no point going to school coz exams are over so there no need to study, and all we do is make noise, play board games, card games and watch movies. except on some days we do have excursions to places like Little India or the home for the physicaly disabled. now that exams are over, i find that i get pretty bored.... coz after a while, u get tired of watching tv or playing nintendo wii, and before the psle most of the excess time was used during tuition or study time and now, i've gotten so used to that study routine that sometimes i will go into the study room and just fet ready to study. then i remember there is no need to study:) i so need to find something fun and productive and that doesnt involve studying, to do.

roxy signing out at
* 5:52 AM *

| | || Thursday, September 25, 2008 || | |

im so glad my mums operation went well! shez resting now. so its time to concentrate on psle. OMG! am so tired! i sleep really late at night. i think if i continue like this, i will sleep throughout the whole psle! so exhausted..................im going 2 die! DIE DIE DIE DIE!im retarded gal. i need 2 study.... but its so darn tough when this computer is sitting here waiting for me tempting me 2 use it! i cant do this! ofrmaybe i can! or i cant! im being stupid and im wasting time now! ahhhhhhhhhhh! i need to study!

roxy signing out at
* 4:41 AM *

| | || Sunday, September 21, 2008 || | |

yesterday was my sister, Janice's party. i, being the older sister had to help my mum out. she had a baking party, so they made muffins and decorated them and had their own ' custom made' baked rice. she invited i think 8 friends: Erica, Wen shien, Emma, Jessica, ...... not rally sure of the rest. during decoration time, a few icing bags broke, so by the end of the session, the table was full of icing, squashed marshmallows, m&ms, colourful balls, and decorative flowers. I dint get to see what happened in the end, coz i was rushed to science tuition, but as far as i know all the girls had a wonderful time. jus hope i will have a just as fun and promising b'dae :)

roxy signing out at
* 12:56 AM *

| | || Sunday, August 31, 2008 || | |

1) i just hate it
2) me and lots of other primarysixers have to suffer because of it
3) im forced to study instead of facebook,blog or msn
4) i spend more time with my tutors instead of my friends
5) the paper used to make the exam papers use up lots of trees, which contributes to global warming
6) im no longer alowed to listen to music while i work
7) it makes us stressed out
8) i have to do lots of practice papers
9) im given tons of hmwk
10)my desk becomes very messy coz of the revision books, hmwk, practice papers, tution hmwk, assesment books
11) while doing papers, all the other levels of students do not get a chance to vibrate their vocal chords
12) i become very impatient as i have to wait a long time for the results for each paper
13) it makes me upset and depressed as whatever score i get. i wish i got a hicher score
14) and for the many other reasons that i just havent though of yet but will think of eventually

roxy signing out at
* 12:28 AM *

| | || Friday, August 29, 2008 || | |

OMG! i so cant believe it! i got my prelims result back, all are 'B's except 1... guess what ??????????? CHINESE ! i got 75.25! im totaly suprised! in a good way:D ! my math: 70, science: 73.5, english????? i dunno english coz the teacher didnt give back my compo paper... so.... anyway i dont htind i will do so well.... my brother, older, Jonothan has his end of year exams in 3 weeks or so and what is he doing???? well he is studying, studying how to be a pro on Maple story, X-Box, nintendo wii........... every thing but? skool stuff. i so do not understand sec 1 brothers like him. he drives my parents nuts coz he fails hin chinese and history! he says he has no hope for chinese and will never pass, well duh! he will never pass if he doesnt study at all! im so happy! but sad... coz next week im going overseas! from tuesday evening to saturday evening! but im sad coz psle is commin.... im so temperemental(typo?) i want to die.................................... jus kiddin:D im wasting time!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i hav to study more!(im being a study freak!) ok.......... wat am i saying?!? its holiday time! i can play as long as a like! Yay! (im being retardedly lame...) im so bored..................................................................................................... i guess thats what things like youtube are made for :D

roxy signing out at
* 12:54 AM *

| | || Tuesday, June 17, 2008 || | |

u know, theres seriously somthing wrong with me?!? i mean like i want to study but i cant bring myself to do so! its like i go to the study room do abit of work, walk out to get a drink then find my siblings playing our nintendo wii or watching TV or any thing adictive...u know! then 'Puff!'the thought of studying in my little brain explodes! or...Ending no. 2: i ask them to turn the volume down or their voices then walk back into the study room and try to study... 5 minutes later... ' hey guys! can i play to?'......and yes thats my voice! i realy think i can explode! so i now realy cant wait for my 2 bff's to come sleep over at my place on saturday! and i cant wait to watch prince caspian( which i actually already watched once but luv it so much i hav 2 watch it again!)with them! U C!!!!!!!!! i jus cant keep my mind focused on studying! i want to study...i want to study... i want to study... I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord pls help me i realy want to score in psle......pls help me work hard...


roxy signing out at
* 7:24 AM *

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